Monday, July 22, 2019

A lot of happenings

So it has been a few months since I last posted anything on this blog.  A lot had happened in just a few months and we had been so busy I just didn't have the time to blog.  I will attempt to keep this as brief as possible so it won't turn into a super duper long post.

I mentioned in my earlier post that we sold our flooded property.
We had 30 days to move our cattle out of our old property.  Originally,
we were gonna hire someone to do the fencing around our new property.
But to make the long story short things
 didn't work  out with the fence guy so
we decided to do all the fencing ourselves. 
But before we could start working on the
fencing we needed to get the other half
of our current property cleared.

There were a lot of trees cut down and mulched down.

And we now have a very big burn pile waiting to be burned

But it looks really nice now that the land is cleared.

This boy was admiring this dozer and probably
wishing he could get a ride on this beast from the
land clearing guy.

Because it took a little bit longer to clear the land
than anticipated we were left with only 2 weeks
to do at least a section of the fence so we could
bring our cows to current property before the
So we did a mix of t-posts and wood posts.  Around
the house and along the driveway we want to do
all wood posts just so it looks prettier.
We want the fence to last a long time so we did
extra work to make sure they would last.
We used 8x4s treated wood posts.  Dug the hole
around 2-2.5 feet deep, then cemented each wood
post in.  It was a lot of work and manual labor!

I think our hard work paid off.  I think we did a really good job
and the fencing is looking great!

We did a good job making sure all the wood posts
are straight and all lined up.  But we worked our butts
off!  We worked from 8am to 8pm for days in the 90
degree weather!  The heat and humidity were brutal! 

While we were busy getting the fencing down,
Black Pearl decided to get Mastitis (ok, I don't
believe anyone would actually decide that they want
Mastitis).  Her udder was engorged for a few weeks
but first we thought the engorgement would go away
because she was about to calf and that's what usually
happens to her udder.  But this time it was different...
it was engorged for a long time and it just got worse
and worse.  So we decided maybe we should do something
about it.  The day we decided to go help her treat the mastitis
we showed up to the old property and noticed her udder was
deflated.  At first we were happy that maybe her mastitis somehow
just disappeared.  But when we got closer we noticed
a big gash on her udder.  We think it got so engorged that
it finally burst!
That poor girl!  She had a 3 inch rip on her udder and
we saw liquid draining out of it.  We didn't want
her to get infection or anything so we thought
we would take her to the local vet.  Our local
vet told us that they might not be equipped for an
emergency such as this so they referred us to a vet
hospital about an hour away.  We took her in and put
her in the squeeze chute...and boy, was she mad!  She
mooing and everything and she was so mad she wouldn't
even look at me!
The vet told us that there are several kinds of
mastitis.  One of them is dangerous and life-
threatening.  And Black Pearl had the bad life-
threatening one.  Had we waited longer we could
have lost her.  The vet gave her a shot of anti-
biotic and squeezed all the "cottage cheese" out
of her udder and sent us on our way. 


The vet told us that her udder would most likely
fill up again since she's nursing her calf.  He told
us calves usually could tell and know if the milk
is bad and wouldn't drink from that quarter if it's
bad.  But he told us to still try to make sure the
calf doesn't  feed from the "bad teat" just to be
safe.  If the bad quarter fills up we should try
to empty it.

We had never milked a cow before.  So this is
hubby attempting to milk it...let's just say it
ain't easy!  After about 5-10 minutes of attempting
we got only a little bit of milk out...hubby threw
in the towel.

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