Remember not very long ago (maybe a few months ago) that we bought
another bull to replace
Dexter, and we named him
Jr.? And remember how I was saying that I had a feeling we would be getting a couple of calves soon? Well, it turned out I was right! Jr. definitely was doing his job! He got at least 4 (possibly 5) of our cows and heifers pregnant! Peanut Butter already gave her to a calf probably about 2 weeks or maybe even 3 weeks ago. Unfortunately, and very sadly the baby was just about 2 days old when it died. The cows are still at our flooded property right now (waiting to put up fence at our current property so we can bring the cows here), so when we went to check on the cows a few weeks ago and to see if there were any calves, hubby found the calf lying on the grass under a tree...and the lifeless calf had all of his guts eaten out of we think the coyotes must have gotten to the baby somehow and killed it. So sad!
But on a happier note, Black Pearl gave birth to a healthy little girl a few days ago. (I confirmed that it is a girl...Yesterday I saw it pee from you know where.)
This is Black Pearl's newest baby. This is when
she was first born. |
Precious mama and baby bonding time. |
This picture was taken a few days after birth. |
And yesterday when I went to check on the cows I first noticed a black cow with a calf standing next to her and I just automatically assumed it was Black Pearl with her calf. And as I walked closer I saw Black Pearl standing with her calf in a different area of the pasture. That's when I realized the black cow and calf I saw at first were not Black Pearl and her baby, it was Nutella and her baby. Nutella must have given birth yesterday. The baby looked so cute and so spankin' new!
Congratulations to Nutella, the first time mom!
Baby was born yesterday. Mama and baby are doing well. |
Nutella turned out to be a very good mother,
and she's so protective of her calf. |
What I found interesting is that even though our cows are very used to us by now, they would come up to us for cattle cubes and every once in awhile let us pet them, but when it comes to their babies, ALL OF THEM are super protective of their calves. They won't let us come too close to them at all. Yesterday when I was trying to get close to Nutella and her calf just so I could have a good look at the calf, EVERY TIME I got maybe about 5-10 feet away from them Nutella would turn around and start walking away and then her baby would follow behind her. I guess it doesn't matter if you're a human or animal, the mother's protective instinct is definitely there.
Rainbow is also pregnant and she looks like she's ready to pop any time now! And her udders are getting bigger as well. Miracle Baby is the possibly 5th pregnant cow that we have but we are not a 100% sure yet.
Rainbow is getting big. This heifer will soon be
graduating from being a heifer and getting promoted
to Mama cow. |
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